The standing to bring
proceedings of the Chair of the Polish
Financial Supervision Authority before the Polish Supreme Court[2]
The article concerns the powers granted to the Chair of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (hereinafter “Chair of the PFSA”) in proceedings before the Supreme Court pursuant to Articles 83 and 89 of the Act of December 8, 2017 on the Supreme Court (hereinafter “the Polish Supreme Court Act”). The Act modified the previous binding prerequisites for taking action before the Polish Supreme Court (hereinafter “PSC”) by the Chair of the PFSA and extended the scope of his competences in the proceedings before the PSC. The aim of this article is to discuss legal instruments made available to the Chair of the PFSA within the framework of actions that they may take before the PSC and to analyze the prerequisites for such actions in the light of previous legal regulations. The article also contains an assessment of the current regulations provided in Articles 83 and 89 of the Polish Supreme Court Act.
Keywords: legal issue, extraordinary complaint (to appeal a final decision of a common court or military court), Polish Supreme Court, Chair of the PSFA
Słowa kluczowe: zagadnienie prawne, skarga nadzwyczajna, Sąd Najwyższy, Przewodniczący
[1] Niniejszy artykuł został wygłoszony w charakterze wykładu podczas XVII Konferencji Kół Naukowych w dniu 28 maja 2018 r. w WSEPiNM w Kielcach.
[2] This article was delivered as a lecture during the 17th Conference of Research Clubs on May 28, 2018 at the School of Economics, Law and Medical Sciences in Kielce.