Reprezentacja strony przez profesjonalnego pełnomocnika w postępowaniu sądowoadministracyjnym
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest identyfikacja wyzwań, jakie stoją przed udziałem radcy prawnego w postępowaniu sądowoadministracyjnym. Zaliczono do nich zakres przedmiotowy przymusu adwokacko-radcowskiego, określenie konsekwencji uchybień...
Glosa do wyroku NSA z 6 maja 2021 r., II GSK...
Glosa do wyroku NSA z 6 maja 2021 r., II GSK 1057/20, jest kolejnym głosem w debacie nad jakością edukacji młodych prawników. Autorzy potraktowali orzeczenie jako asumpt...
We came up with the idea of a special issue of the magazine last year, when we began preparations for the 40th anniversary of the National Bar...
Populism researchers draw attention to the vital role of language in the implementation of Popularist agenda. This role is discernible in propaganda practices, in...
Lawyer as a Translator. On the Metaphorical Understanding of the Expert...
The purpose of this article is to clarify the nature of legal professions as experts. In particular, an attempt has been made to answer...
Tasks of the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law in the light of...
The article deals with the issue of the constitutional basis for the functioning of the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law as set forth in Article...
The mission of the self-government of attorneys-at-law and its members
This article presents the issues of the mission of the professional self-government of legal advisers as well as the mission of legal advisers associated...
THE ROLE OF ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW IN a democratic state ruled by law
Attorneys-at-law, both at the individual and group level, i.e., as a professional self-government, when performing their duties and obligations arising from the provisions of law...
Professional secrecy of attorneys-at-law and their independence
The goal of this article is to analyze and evaluate the phenomenon of professional secrecy of attorneys-at-law and their independence. This article is a result...
The status of the self-government of attorneys-at-law in light of the...
The subject of this article is the status of the self-government of attorneys-at-law analysed in the light of the Code of Administrative Procedure from...