Marek Szymanowski
The issue of the social security contributor in the light of article 8(2a) of the social insurance system act of October 13, 1998
The article focuses...
Pozbawienie strony możności obrony jej praw jako przyczyna nieważności postępowania w...
Depriving a party of the opportunity to defend its rights as a reason for the nullity of proceedings as presented in the decisions of the Polish...
Uzasadnienia orzeczeń w postępowaniu cywilnym po zmianach wprowadzonych ustawą ...
Justifications of judgments in civil proceedings after the amendments introduced by the Act of July 4th 2019 amending the Code of Civil Procedure and some...
Decyzja zamienna organu rentowego
A replacement decision issued by the disability pension body
In the proceedings within social insurance matters, the disability pension body, in particular The Social Insurance Institution...
Wpływ orzecznictwa ETPCz na tle art. 1 Protokołu nr 1...
The influence of the
ECHR2 decisions on system solutions, contents and protection of
property rights in the Polish legal system, based on Article 1 of the
judicature based...
Zakaz reformationis in peius w sprawach o zasiedzenie
The article undertakes an analysis of a controversial issue concerning the prohibition of reformatio in peius in cases of acquisitive prescription (usucaption). Acquisitive prescription matters...
Granice sprostowania orzeczenia w postępowaniu cywilnym, skutki ich przekroczenia, próba nowego...
The Limits of Judgment Rectification under the Code of Civil Procedure, the Consequences of Exceeding them, and an Attempt at Formulating a Fresh Perspective
The article...