Glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego W Warszawie z 23 października 2015...
Gloss to the Court of
Appeals in Warsaw judgment
of October 23, 2015, court file no. I ACa 185/15
The gloss concerns
selected aspects of compensation for the damages...
Glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Warszawie z dnia 14 czerwca 2023 r., II AKa 272/22[1],...
Gloss to the judgment of the Court of Appeals in Warsaw of June 14, 2023, case file no. II AKa 272/22 concerning compensation for undoubtedly wrongful detention (approving)
In the glossed decision, the...
Unsuitability of a trainee attorney-at-law to perform the profession of an attorney-at-law as a prerequisite for removal from the trainee attorney-at-law list. Partially critical gloss to...
Obowiązek wysłuchania przez sąd podejrzanego przed orzeczeniem względem niego środka zabezpieczającego...
Legal obligation of the court to hear the suspect before adjudicatinga security measure against him – gloss to item no. 1 of the judgmentof the Constitutional Tribunal...
Glosa do Wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Warszawie z dnia 18...
A gloss on the Judgment of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw of 18 January 2017
(Court File No. VI ACa CSK 1661/15)
The gloss presents...
Glosa do wyroku Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 23 lutego 2022 r.,...
Gloss to the decision of the Polish Supreme Administrative Courtof February 23, 2022, case file no. III OSK 820/21 (partially approving)
The gloss concerns the decision...
Glosa do wyroku NSA w Warszawie z dnia 26 kwietnia 2017...
The Gloss on the Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw of 26 April 2017, Court File No. II FSK 1440/16
The judgment commented...
Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 6 października 2022 r.,...
Gloss to the resolution of the Polish Supreme Court of October 6, 2022,case file no. III CZP 112/22
The thesis of the voted resolution reads: An in-court decision is a non-existent...
Obowiązek oceny zdolności kredytowej konsumenta w świetle wymogów dyrektywy 2008/48. Komentarz...
The obligation to assess the creditworthiness of consumers in the light of the requirements of Directive 2008/48. Gloss to the CJEU judgment of March...