Tryb weryfikacji oceny okresowej w służbie cywilnej
ORCID ID: 0000–0003–0780–192X
The procedure for verifying the interim evaluation in the civil service
Ensuring a high level of performance of tasks in the public administration is correlated...
Wybrane aspekty dotyczące stosowania monitoringu w miejscu pracy
Selected aspects concerning the use of workplace monitoring
The introduction of the workplace monitoring on May 25, 2018 into the Polish Labor Code should be...
Zwolnienia od pracy członków zarządu zakładowej organizacji związkowej
ORCID ID: 0000–0002–4454–9885
Exemptions from work for board members of a labor union organization
Among the benefits of a labor union activity, the Act on labor unions introduces, among...
Ochrona tajemnicy pracodawcy w ramach umowy o zakazie konkurencji
ORCID ID: 0000–0003–4825–0597
Protection of the employer secrecy under a non-competition agreement
A non-competition agreement can be an efficient form of protection of the employer against the risk...
Ubezwłasnowolnienie całkowite na tle rozwiązań europejskich
Total incapacitation in comparison with European solutions
Total incapacitation is a civil law institution that significantly affects an individual’s ability to self-determine. The years-long ongoing discussion...
Prekluzja dowodowa. Część I
ORCID ID: 000–003–3274–2343
Evidence preclusion – Part One
The first part of the article is devoted to the definition of evidence preclusion and the assessment of the...
Uzasadnienia orzeczeń w postępowaniu cywilnym po zmianach wprowadzonych ustawą ...
Justifications of judgments in civil proceedings after the amendments introduced by the Act of July 4th 2019 amending the Code of Civil Procedure and some...
Ochrona danych osobowych przy wnoszeniu podań do organów administracji publicznej w...
Protection of personal data in submitting applications to public administration bodies in general administrative proceedings. Part One
The aim of this article is to indicate the general...
Macierzyństwo zastępcze w Polsce – dozwolone czy zakazane?
Surrogacy in Poland – allowed or forbidden?
The article discusses the issue of the Polish legislator’s approach to the matter of the so-called surrogacy. The...
Przymus adwokacki w sprawie, w której stroną jest adwokat albo radca...
Uniwersytet Gdański
ORCID ID: 0000–0001–9502–8521
Compulsory representation by a lawyer in a case to which an advocate or an attorney-at-law is a party – will the accepted amendment solve the problem?
The subject of...