Glosa krytyczna do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 25.01.2017 r. (sygn. akt...
The Gloss on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of 25 January 2017 (Court File No. IV CSK 205/16)
While trying cessation appeals,...
Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego
Judicial Decisions of the Supreme Court
In consideration of the growing number of disputes surrounding immediate termination of an employment contract due to a...
Glosa do wyroku NSA w Warszawie z dnia 26 kwietnia 2017...
The Gloss on the Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw of 26 April 2017, Court File No. II FSK 1440/16
The judgment commented...
Działalność samorządu radców prawnych i jego członków w zakresie realizacji ustawy...
The Activity of the Professional Self-government of Legal Advisers and Its Members Regarding Application of the Access to Public Information Act in Light of...